Tuesday, 18 June 2013

India's #1 Phone Monitoring Application Developers.

"OneSpy, as the name says, is our flagship application & is the most stable and feature-rich application in industry. OneSpy has a whole list of features consisting backup of all general logs such as ContactsPhone-Calls,Messages to the most wanted features like Call RecordingsPin-point Locations & IM Messages. All the data is stored remotely on our 3-Stage secured web-server allowing you to access the logs from anywhere at anytime." 

To know more, click here...

"OneTrace is developed by the team behind OneSpy especially with women & children in mind. Main goal in developing OneTrace was to provide an easy to use monitoring service to the parents, brothers, sons, husbands or better say, everyone to take care of their loved ones & protect them from any mishappenings like such are taking place nowadays." 

To know more, click here...

"OneRecord is developed for those who just want to record their phone-calls in hidden way & keep a backup of it offline & online which they can access remotely anywhereanytimeOneRecord records each 'n every telephonic conversation, then sends an email including the call details & recorded audio file as attachment with the mail to a user defined Email ID." 

To know more, click here...

Call Us : Toll Free 1800-301-00707
Tel : 011-30429100  Mobile : 9560-286403
or login to http://www.onespy.in/